turn down a glass
turn down a glass
- to decline something that someone has offered.
- decline a drink that a person offers.
- stop for a certain moment to think about something.
- turning down and backing away from a sharp thing. Something that can cut you deep.
- to reject.
- to dismiss.
- saying stop to a particular item in favor of a more important one.
Examples in Sentences
1. Turn down a glass, since that event will mark a vital turning point in your life.
2. My dear friend acknowledged that he had seen the mystic sign, and his achievements in business are enough proof that he turned down a glass.
3. I’m sorry that I have to turn down a glass at your offer because it does not meet my needs.
The term “turn down a glass for me” was the final written message that Jacques Futrelle, a novelist, sent from Europe to a friend who lived in Atlanta. The phrase also appears in Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich.
When remembering a drinking companion who has passed on, it is customary to turn a glass upside down (turn down). This represents the person’s glass on the table. The person remembering the lost loved one poses a moment to think about them.
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