Down Idioms

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down the hatch

Meaning: An expression used to encourage someone to drink, especially alcohol, implying that the drink should be consumed immediately.

Example: He raised his glass and said, "down the hatch," before drinking. Read more ➺

fish rots from the head down

Meaning: poor leadership leads to the decline of an organization.

Example: The company was bound to be closed sooner or later, considering the kind of managers that they had hired. A fish rots from the head down, after all. Read more ➺

down the road

Meaning: at a future point or end.

Example: Somewhere down the road, I think he'll make it big. Read more ➺

when the chips are down

Meaning: when a situation is urgent or desperate.

Example: When the chips are down, you know who your real friends are. Read more ➺

turn down a glass

Meaning: to decline something that someone has offered.

Example: to decline something that someone has offered. Read more ➺

upside down

Meaning: literally refers to an object that has been reoriented so that the portion which would otherwise be considered the top is now at the bottom, i.e., it is in an inverted position.

Example: Out of embarrassment, I turned the book upside down so that he would not see the title of what I was reading. Read more ➺

buckle down

Meaning: make sure something stays in place

Example: She knew if she didn't buckle down, the tasks wouldn't get done. Read more ➺

take it up/down a notch

Meaning: apply more effort to achieve a goal

Example: The team got through to the quarter-finals. Now they need to take it up a notch to get to the semis. Read more ➺

throw down the gauntlet

Meaning: to accept a challenge

Example: When it comes to the rights of animals, we are always willing to throw down the gauntlet. Read more ➺

kick the can down the road

Meaning: to avoid dealing with a problem

Example: I realise that the house needs to be painted but we are going to move in a few years so I am kicking the can down the road. Read more ➺
