mind your own business


mind your own business

Meaning | Synonyms

  • to look into your own matter
  • keep it to yourself
  • avoid taking interest into someone else’s matter
  • refrain from interfering in other people’s affairs
  • do not show any concern about the matters of others
  • keep your nose out of it
  • mind your own beeswax

Example Sentences

  1. I would like you to mind your own business and stop telling me what to do.
  2. Please keep your kind suggestions to yourself and mind your own business.
  3. My engagement is none of her concern;ask her to mind her own business.
  4. I know how to deal with my problems.You better mind your own business.
  5. It would be better if you guys leave me alone now and mind your own business instead.
  6. For me, it’s always good to mind my own business. I don’t waste my time arguing others in college.


It is a very commonly used English phrase. Some people believe that this phrase is a direct biblical extraction whereas the modern theologians do not trust this theory.But, something similar is seen in the bible where Saint Paul (an important person in the history of Christianity) tells the church of Thessaloniki about this method of living in his directions as a way of Christian life.

The translation is believed to be:

“You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”

In the1930s, another version of the phrase “mind your own business” appeared as “mind your own beeswax.”

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If one attends a 12-step program “Mind Your Own Business” has a different connotation. It’s a way of checking in with yourself to determine your state of mind and emotions that may be compromising your personal spiritual growth. Other guides, such as “Let go and let God” (what or whomever you believe God to be), are similar easily-recalled guides for personal growth and change, and dealing with moments of conflict and change.

‒ Alain July 10, 2022

I would like to ask that is asking someone about their personal matters, not minding your own business but interfering.

‒ Anonymous June 12, 2020

What's on your mind?

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