come hell or high water
come hell or high water
Meaning | Synonyms
- come what may
- any difficulties or obstacles that may occur
- no matter what happens
- no matter how difficult it is
Example Sentences
- I want to complete this report by today, come hell or high water.
- He said he will be going for the trip, come hell or high water.
- His boss said he wanted the project completed by the end of the week, come hell or high water.
- She said she had planned her vacation since a year and she would be going for it, come hell or high water.
- He said he would leave by evening, come hell or high water, since he had an appointment with his dentist and he did not want to miss it.
- My friend has started up a new company and he wants it to be successful, come hell or high water.
- He said he wanted to shift into his new home by the end of the year, come hell or high water.
- I will be there for your wedding, come hell or high water.
The phrase originated in America around the mid-1800s and the earliest print reference is from 1882 in an Iowa newspaper, The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye. However, why hell or high water is referenced to as obstacles, is not clear.
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