Water Idioms

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at sea

Meaning: confused or unsure about what to do.

Example: After starting the new job, she felt completely at sea with all the new procedures. Read more ➺

get one’s feet wet

Meaning: to begin taking part in a new activity.

Example: Finally, you've decided to get your feet wet and enrolled in your singing classes. Read more ➺

like a duck to water

Meaning: to do something very quickly and enjoy doing it.

Example: She's taken to her grandmother's house like a duck to water. Read more ➺

a wet blanket

Meaning: a person who spoils other people's fun.

Example: If you are going to come to my party, you can't be such a wet blanket. Read more ➺

in at the deep end

Meaning: to start a new job or activity without being prepared for it

Example: Soldiers are thrown in the deep end when they have just joined the army. Read more ➺

in hot water

Meaning: in trouble or state of shame

Example: The opposition leader landed himself in a whole load of hot water after making several vulgar comments. Read more ➺

pour oil on troubled waters

Meaning: try to calm, soothe or placate a problematic situation

Example: She's such a calm person; last week, the whole office was in uproar until she stepped in and poured oil on troubled waters. Read more ➺

a fish out of water

Meaning: being uncomfortable and restless

Example: Our new teacher looked like a fish out of the water, nobody was aware of the issue. Read more ➺

you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink

Meaning: we can offer good things to people but we can't force them to accept that

Example: I have tried my level best to educate him well, but he is still having a non-serious behavior, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Read more ➺

troubled waters

Meaning: a difficult phase of life

Example: The situation was getting worse, but like all the other members of the company, he was fascinated by troubled waters. Read more ➺
