get one’s feet wet


get one’s feet wet


  • to begin taking part in a new activity.
  • to try or experience something new or risky (especially for the first time).
  • to start doing something new in a simple and easy way to become familiar with it.
  • join something for the first time and have a whole new experience.

Example Sentences

  1. Finally, you’ve decided to get your feet wet and enrolled in your singing classes.
  2. The hardest part of the skydiving experience was getting our feet wet; after that, everything was okay and easy.
  3. Snorkeling is the easiest and wisest way to get your feet wet before learning how to dive or scuba dive in the deep sea.
  4. Investing in small amounts is an easy way to get your feet wet in the stock market.
  5. Learning idioms is an easy way to get your feet wet in the quest to become a perfect English speaker.


The idiom dates back to the early 20th century; similar phrases were used more than 500 years earlier by Sir Lyly in England. Some people also believe that this idiom was copied from the holy Christian book when Gold told his servant Joshua to command all the priests who were carrying the holy ark to dip their feet in the pool of water to cleanse them in the eyes of God.

According to another theory, the idiom originated in the ancient Roman annals, where the anointing ritual for Caesar’s army was to let their feet wet before trying anything new in battle. This strategy played well for the Roman empire, and it’s even considered influential in the Roman church.

In conclusion, getting one’s feet wet simply means pushing you to try something or having some ideas on what the whole thing entails before you decide.

Share your opinions1 Opinion

To me, the phrase “get one’s feet wet” refers to the idea of starting to participate in a new activity or experiencing something new or risky, especially for the first time. This phrase captures the essence of initiation and exploration. It’s a reminder that we are all beginners at some point and that the only way to learn and grow is to dive in and try new things.

There is that “Familiarization”, where the phrase also suggests the idea of starting to do something new in a simple and easy way to become familiar with it. This highlights the importance of familiarization and gradual understanding in the learning process. We are not expected to be experts right away, but rather to get familiar with things step by step.

Experience and adventure: “Join something for the first time and have a whole new experience” is another interpretation of the phrase. This highlights the excitement and adventure that comes with trying something new. Each new experience gives us a new perspective and helps us grow as individuals.

Origin and evolution: The origin of the phrase is interesting and adds depth to its meaning. It dates back to ancient Rome and 16th century England, and is believed to have connections to religious rituals and battle strategies. This demonstrates how phrases and languages evolve over time, carrying with them the history and culture of bygone eras.

In short, “get one’s feet wet” is a rich and evocative phrase that encompasses the ideas of initiation, exploration, familiarization, and experience. It encourages us to immerse ourselves, try new things and learn from our experiences. It’s a reminder that every new adventure, no matter how small.

‒ Robles María February 1, 2024

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