beyond the veil


beyond the veil


  • refers to something hidden or inaccessible, often beyond understanding or perception.
  • suggests a realm or reality that is mysterious or spiritual, beyond the physical world.
  • can indicate something transcendent or unknowable, beyond human comprehension.
  • may imply a separation between the visible and the unseen, such as life and death or the conscious and subconscious mind.
  • often used metaphorically to describe a barrier between two states or dimensions, like between the living and the dead.
  • in an inexplicable or concealed place or condition, especially the mysterious state of existence after death.

Example Sentences

  1. The true intentions of the politician remained beyond the veil of public scrutiny.
  2. Many believe that communication with spirits occurs beyond the veil of death.
  3. The concept of infinity in mathematics often seems beyond the veil of ordinary understanding.
  4. Meditation allows us to explore what lies beyond the veil of consciousness.
  5. In some cultures, rituals are performed to guide the deceased beyond the veil into the afterlife.
  6. Many people have tried to discover beyond the veil but did not succeed. We only have imaginations based on the stories of people with near-death experiences.
  7. He seems to be beyond the veil, as he doesn’t answer appropriately when asked about his business.
  8. Psychotherapists use the technique of hypnosis to help patients discover the reason for their beyond-the-veil emotions. It has proven to be effective.
  9. Aren’t you tired of pushing yourself beyond the veil? You must talk to someone to help you move past such emotions.

Origin and History

The term “beyond the veil” finds its origin in ancient Jewish tradition, specifically in reference to the veil that concealed the innermost sanctuary of the Temple in Jerusalem. This veil served as a partition within the Jewish place of worship, demarcating the sacred tabernacle from the main body of the Temple. The concept gained prominence through the English translation of the Bible by William Tyndale. Over time, it evolved beyond its literal meaning to symbolize the enigmatic boundary separating the earthly realm from the realm of the divine or the afterlife. Thus, “beyond the veil” came to represent the mysterious and spiritual division between the present world and the next.

Share your opinions2 Opinions

I’d heard it was a prison, in Ireland.

‒ Constance W Finley May 27, 2022

The veil actually represented the divide between God and mankind because of sin. There was always the separation and inacessability to the Spirit of God personally and individually until Jesus came. His birth, life, suffering, death and resurrection were the ultimate price recquired to destroy the manifestation of the veil as anything that separates us from God.

‒ Mozetta Mitchell October 17, 2020

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