Victory Idioms

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bear the palm

Meaning: emerge victorious.

Example: Their sports team had never borne the palm for years, but this year, they finally won the championship. Read more ➺

slam dunk

Meaning: accomplish something with great ease or efficiency.

Example: The new software made data entry a slam-dunk. Read more ➺

win the day

Meaning: to be accepted by other people.

Example: If you fail to win the day during practice, forget about winning the game. Read more ➺

tasted blood

Meaning: to experience something thrilling and exciting, and want to experience it again.

Example: Once a wolf has tasted blood, it has to be put down. Read more ➺

clean sweep

Meaning: an irresistible victory.

Example: The forecasters are predicting a clean sweep for the ruling party in the approaching election. Read more ➺
