clean sweep


clean sweep


  • an irresistible victory
  • easy success
  • to defeat the competitor very easily
  • win devastatingly

Example Sentences

  1. The forecasters are predicting of making a clean sweep for the ruling party in the approaching election.
  2. In Year 2014 Mr. Narendra Modi made a clean sweep the Congress Party and became the Prime Minister.
  3. India clean sweeps Pakistan and snatched the precious prizes in Cricket match held in Birmigham, UK.
  4. If you want to win this game you must to clean sweep the Pitbull.
  5. I don’t know to make a clean sweep of all the problems from my life.
  6. United Stated clean swept all the terrorists from Afghanistan and Iraq.
  7. I am sure that Germany is going to make a clean sweep of France in this football match.
  8. This song made a clean sweep of all the Music Awards around the globe, throughout the year, really it’s masterpiece.


Currently, we don’t have any authentic historic evidence about the origin of this phrase.

This phrase is remained quite popular since the ages in English language. In this idiom, enemy or competitor is compared to the dust, which we sweep easily and in result we get things neat and clean.

Share your opinions1 Opinion

During World War II, American submarine crews, eager to showcase their many accomplishments, revived the practice. If a boat sank every target with which she engaged over the course of a patrol, the crew attached brooms to the periscope shears so their success, a “clean sweep,” was on display as they entered port.

‒ Вихрен Костадинов August 22, 2023

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