in the good books


in the good books,
also, in someone’s good books


  • be in somebody’s favour or good opinion
  • a situation in which someone is treated nicely by somebody
  • in favour with
  • In someone’s good book means to be in someone’s favour, to have their approval.

If you are in somebody’s good books, it means you have done something good that has delighted them, and if you are in their bad books, you have annoyed them, and they are now angry with you.

Example Sentences

  1. He always managed to be in the good books of the bosses, surprised one and all.
  2. Noah is trying to be in the good books of his manager by working overtime.
  3. Mum, I want to be in the good books of my teacher.
  4. If you want to get in the boss’s good books, work hard and efficiently.
  5. Olivia is in her teacher’s good books because she is an intelligent and hardworking student.


In fact, this idiom is derived from two ancient terms, black book and out of someone’s books. First of all, both idiomatic expressions came into existence, then a new idiom “in the bad books” has appeared, and later “in the good books” started to be used as its opposite meaning.

Read more about bad books.

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