Emotion Idioms

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to be loaded

Meaning: to be very wealthy or affluent.

Example: He recently sold his company; he's loaded. Read more ➺

blow off steam

Meaning: get rid of any intense feelings or strong emotions.

Example: After a long week at work, I like to blow off steam by going for a run in the park. Read more ➺

cry over spilt milk

Meaning: to cry about past events that cannot be undone.

Example: While it's sad that the results have not been as good as you expected, you should now focus on moving ahead and achieving better results next time; there is no use crying over spilt milk. Read more ➺

bent out of shape

Meaning: to become angry.

Example: John's flight was canceled, and he got bent out of shape. Read more ➺

black mood

Meaning: to be angry, irritable or in a temper

Example: Geoff was in one of his black moods today, and no amount of cajoling could snap him out of it. Read more ➺

brown study

Meaning: melancholy mood accompanied by deep thought

Example: I realised that Sandra wasn't concentrating on what the boss was saying and had disappeared into a brown study. Read more ➺

home is where the heart is

Meaning: a place you feel connected to emotionally

Example: No matter where I go, it's always so lovely to come back here. Home is where the heart is after all. Read more ➺

on a tear

Meaning: very active or suddenly active

Example: Peter called to say he was getting an earlier train so, I been on a tear to get to the station in time. Read more ➺

on edge

Meaning: to feel tense or unable to relax

Example: I am sorry for snapping at you. I have been a bit on edge since I found out that they are selling our company. Read more ➺

heart touching

Meaning: an event that makes you feel happy

Example: We watched a heart-touching movie about a boy who lived next to a concentration camp during the Second World War. Read more ➺
