Anger Idioms
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Meaning: to be extremely angry or agitated.
Example: The CEO began to foam at the mouth when he discovered the financial losses. Read more ➺
Meaning: to become angry or excited about something.
Example: The boss had a cow when he saw the mess they had made. Read more ➺
Meaning: to self-reference someone who is in a bad mood and ready to fight.
Example: During the invasion, the soldiers were full of piss and vinegar, and therefore they went straight into the front lines. Read more ➺
Meaning: to get angry quickly.
Example: He has a short fuse. He loses his temper for things that don't provoke others to high levels of angry emotion. Read more ➺
Meaning: to become angry.
Example: John's flight was canceled, and he got bent out of shape. Read more ➺
Meaning: to have ill feelings towards someone
Example: The villagers say the arson attack may have been the result of bad blood between the two families. Read more ➺
Meaning: become very angry or act crazy
Example: She'll go bananas if she sees the house in this (dirty) condition. Read more ➺
Meaning: experience sudden anger
Example: Jake's parents are going to hit the roof when they see the damage he's done to their car. Read more ➺
Meaning: out of favour
Example: Maria remains in his bad books after the argument between both. Read more ➺
Meaning: To lose one's temper and get angry for seemingly no reason (does not usually refer to situations that would warrant an emotional response).