X Factor
X Factor
Meaning | Synonyms
- an outstanding extraordinary ability
- a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome
- excellence that one cannot describe which makes somebody very unique
- attribute or quality of something, beyond description
- an incredible quality which forces you to ignore other bad qualities of a person or object
- the eminence of a person which cannot let you put your finger on
- a situation that has an intense but surprising influence
- any unpredictable and great influence
- an essential factor with unidentified results
Example Sentences
- This is the right time to invest in Gold and Real Estate. It may turn out to be an X-Factor.
- Ferrari makes less car using a high-quality component with expert hands, that is the X-Factor.
- Eliza is not beautiful, but she has the X-Factor of education, courtesy, and intelligence, which makes her extraordinary.
- Indian Cricketer Virat Kohli has the X-Factor to beat the balls that make India win.
- My dad definitely has the X-Factor that all the great mechanics have.
- This is the X-Factor of humans who lives in mountains and cold places of the earth which makes them strong.
- Google search algorithm system is the real X-Factor behind the success of Google.
- Adolf Hitler was a politician who had the X-Factor.
- Justin Bieber is a Canadian singer with the mad X Factor.
X-Factor first discovered in around 1930, probably in America.
This idiomatic expression can be used with or without hyphen (-), either X-Factor or X Factor both are the same and correct.
Share your opinions1 Opinion
Is X Factor capitalize (both words) all the time regardless where they are in a sentence? Please show me capitalization rules using X Factor. Thanks.
‒ Prudencio K. Apusen August 29, 2020