Medical Idioms
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Meaning: An informal phrase used to describe a person's intelligence or ability to think and reason.
Example: It doesn't take a lot of gray matter to solve this simple puzzle. Read more ➺
Meaning: a sudden and encouraging effect on something.
Example: The speech was an absolute shot in the arm for the crew members aboard the ship. Read more ➺
Meaning: a cramp or stiffness in the leg or arm.
Example: We had to stop midway and call for help because of a charley horse in my foot. Read more ➺
Meaning: experience challenges and difficulties.
Example: Brian tried the offshore education business, but he caught a cold after the first month and has still shown no signs of growth. Read more ➺
Meaning: to indicate that a specific task is simple and easy to undertake
Example: Learning to ride a bike is simple, it's not brain surgery. Read more ➺
Meaning: if you have a blind spot about something, you cannot accept or understand it
Example: Please don't point out my "blind spots" to me; I would rather find them on my own. Read more ➺
Meaning: a secret of an embarrassing, guilty or shameful nature that you don't want to disclose
Example: I have come to know that Eric has a skeleton in his cupboard. Read more ➺
Meaning: something unpleasant to be endured
Example: Finding out that she was adopted was a hard pill for Hailey to take. Read more ➺
prevention is better than cure
Meaning: easier to stop problems than correct them later
Example: It is good to keep vaccinations up to date as prevention is better than cure. Read more ➺
Meaning: something that has a relaxing outcome
Example: Can someone please tell Matthew to take a chill pill? We will be on time for the party. Read more ➺