Thinking Idioms
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Meaning: To contemplate deeply: Reflect or think deeply about something, often in a calm or repetitive manner, much like a cow ruminates its food.
Example: Sarah sat by the window to chew the cud about her career choices. Read more ➺
Meaning: extremely intelligent or perceptive; mentally acute.
Example: Even at 80 years old, Grandma is as sharp as a tack and still solves crossword puzzles in minutes. Read more ➺
Meaning: An informal phrase used to describe a person's intelligence or ability to think and reason.
Example: It doesn't take a lot of gray matter to solve this simple puzzle. Read more ➺
Meaning: an idea or subject to think about.
Example: The manager's meeting today has given me a lot of food for thought about whether I want to continue working for this company. Read more ➺
Meaning: to take a long time to make a decision
Example: I will need to mull things over before I decide whether or not to start my own business. It is a big decision. Read more ➺
Meaning: unaware of the current situation
Example: Just by reading her facial expressions, I can easily tell you that she is miles away. Read more ➺
Meaning: thoughts of very intelligent people are similar to each other
Example: The two of us had the same idea at the same time. Well, great minds think alike! Read more ➺
Meaning: think differently
Example: The team always thinks outside the box to come up with unique advertisements for all its clients. Read more ➺