Over Idioms

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cry over spilt milk

Meaning: to cry about past events that cannot be undone.

Example: While it's sad that the results have not been as good as you expected, you should now focus on moving ahead and achieving better results next time; there is no use crying over spilt milk. Read more ➺

dead end

Meaning: a position or job with no hope of progress; a blind alley.

Example: The interlocutors have reached a dead end in their efforts to discover a peaceful solution to the imbroglio. Read more ➺

tide over

Meaning: temporary help (often financial)

Example: When I was at university, my mother always sent me food parcels to tide me over until my next grant cheque came. Read more ➺

rake over the coals

Meaning: to give someone a hard time for a mistake they supposedly did

Example: My classmate Lily forgot to do her math homework as she had a function to attend in her family. The teacher raked her over the coals for that. Read more ➺

mull over

Meaning: to take a long time to make a decision

Example: I will need to mull things over before I decide whether or not to start my own business. It is a big decision. Read more ➺

turn over a new leaf

Meaning: to alter your behaviour in a positive way

Example: He has not been in trouble this year. He has really turned over a new leaf. Read more ➺

drop by

Meaning: an informal visit

Example: I hope to finish the dress before Saturday. If you want to see what it looks like you should drop by over the weekend. Read more ➺

Elvis has left the building

Meaning: the show is ended and go home now

Example: I think we delayed coming - Elvis has left the building. Read more ➺

over and above

Meaning: in addition to

Example: Firefighters always go over and above to ensure that people are safe. Read more ➺

over and over again

Meaning: again and again

Example: I have cleaned up this mess over and over again but ever time I come back it is dirty again. Read more ➺
