All Idioms

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love me, love my dog

Meaning: Accept me as I am, including my faults and things or people I care about.

Example: If you want to be with me, remember, love me, love my dog. Read more ➺

French leave

Meaning: leaving a place or event without informing anyone or seeking permission.

Example: After the boring lecture started, he took French leave and went to a coffee shop instead. Read more ➺

loaves and fishes

Meaning: The term "loaves and fishes" refers to material or worldly benefits or rewards, often gained from exploiting religious or spiritual activities.

Example: Many critics argue that some televangelists are more interested in loaves and fishes than in genuine ministry. Read more ➺

back to square one

Meaning: starting over from the beginning after a failure or setback.

Example: After the software crashed, the team had to go back to square one. Read more ➺

go pear-shaped

Meaning: to go wrong or fail, especially suddenly and unexpectedly.

Example: The business plan looked promising, but it all went pear-shaped when the funding fell through. Read more ➺


Meaning: a smart, educated woman who focuses on her studies, which some men do not like.

Example: She was often called a bluestocking because of her love for reading and discussing philosophy. Read more ➺

waiting in the wings

Meaning: be ready to step into a job or position when you have the chance.

Example: The new CEO is waiting in the wings, ready to take over as soon as the current one retires. Read more ➺

boy toy

Meaning: a young man who is used primarily by an older and wealthier woman for pleasure or status.

Example: She was often seen with her new boy toy at lavish parties. Read more ➺

spin your wheels

Meaning: to put in effort without making progress, resulting in frustration.

Example: Without a clear plan, you'll just spin your wheels and waste valuable time. Read more ➺

digital detox

Meaning: a period when someone refrains from using electronic devices to reduce stress and focus on real-life interactions.

Example: Many people find a digital detox beneficial for reducing anxiety and improving sleep patterns. Read more ➺
