Life Idioms

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under the sun

Meaning: Everything in existence or possible: Refers to anything and everything that exists in the world or universe. It is often used to convey a broad scope of possibilities or matters.

Example: He tried every solution under the sun to fix the broken machine. Read more ➺

live on the edge

Meaning: to lead an exciting or dangerous lifestyle.

Example: He's always been an adrenaline junkie and loves to live on the edge. Read more ➺

been around

Meaning: (existed) been present and active.

Example: This is not a new viral video; it's been around for a couple of years. Read more ➺

from cradle to grave

Meaning: The phrase is used to refer to something that spans a human lifetime.

Example: He was a difficult man; from the cradle to the grave, he was constantly angry or upset. Read more ➺

off grid

Meaning: disconnected from municipal utility systems.

Example: Tony built an off-grid bunker, complete with non-perishable food, a water purification system, and solar panels. Read more ➺

light of one’s life

Meaning: someone who makes one very happy.

Example: Because he was there with him through everything, he saw him as the light of his life. Read more ➺

happy wife happy life

Meaning: to have a good life, you need to have a good wife

Example: The first time I heard the phrase "happy wife, happy life," I was a small person in college and found it very pleasant. Read more ➺

when life gives you lemons

Meaning: make the best out of a difficult situation

Example: She tried to live by the motto 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' Read more ➺

the smell of an oily rag

Meaning: a slim or frugal amount  

Example: When we were students, we didn't have much money and we got by on the smell of an oily rag most days. Read more ➺

silver lining

Meaning: sadness or unpleasant things can have a positive side effect

Example: If it's the tough time in your life, it comes with many silver linings. Read more ➺
