Law Idioms

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John Doe

Meaning: represents an unnamed or unknown person in a hypothetical example or illustration.

Example: Our John Doe witness refused to testify out of fear of retaliation. Read more ➺

third degree

Meaning: an interrogation that frequently includes torture in an effort to find the truth or a confession.

Example: The detective put him through the third degree, but he wouldn't break. Read more ➺

in the dock

Meaning: on trial in court, especially in a criminal case.

Example: The accused man was placed in the dock, ready to face trial. Read more ➺

red book

Meaning: any document or publication, which is bound in red and serves as an official collection of rules, regulations, laws, or legal principles.

Example: any document or publication, which is bound in red and serves as an official collection of rules, regulations, laws, or legal principles. Read more ➺

bring someone to book

Meaning: make somebody accountable for their conduct.

Example: If Jessica continues with this behavior, I will have no choice but to bring her to book. Read more ➺

behind bars

Meaning: to be in jail or prison

Example: Before the end of this year, Harrison will be behind bars for his crimes. Read more ➺

stand your ground

Meaning: not retreat

Example: We stood our ground on the footpath, and then eventually, all the cows moved away. Read more ➺

zero tolerance

Meaning: denial to allow rebellious activities, usually by rigid and strict application of the rules;

Example: There is zero tolerance towards any gender bias in this company. Read more ➺

rule of thumb

Meaning: a principle that is kept to

Example: As a rule of thumb, I do not start a new project on Fridays. Read more ➺

de facto

Meaning: existing in fact

Example: English is de facto the common language of much of the world today. Read more ➺
