keep on top
keep on top
- to stay informed.
- to be ahead in terms of knowledge.
- to prioritize/prioritise.
- to stay responsive about job and ensure that work is being done on time.
- being alert of every detail of the process.
Example Sentences
- The company keeps on top of the news to find out if the merger is being showed in good light.
- I am trying to keep on top of my study programs this year so that I will not be hassled at the end of the year.
- Crystal keeps on top of all the latest movie world gossips. She just loves it as pastime.
- Although I would like to keep on top of my emails, sometimes I am just not able to find enough time for it.
- My mother has started to keep on top of her exercises and medicines. She does not wish to see the inside of a hospital again.
- Even though he is the CEO of the company, he keeps on top of the basic executive discussions too. I’m not sure if such micro-management is good for the company.
- Lawyers have to keep on top of any amendments that takes place in the laws. How would they practice otherwise?
The phrase is said to have originated in the medieval England where bureaucracy was forming with the governance moving from monarchy to democracy. To keep on top was commonly referred to for administrative work.
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