Controversy Idioms

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make waves

Meaning: create a disturbance or controversy, often by challenging the status quo.

Example: She didn't want to make waves at the meeting, so she kept her opinion to herself. Read more ➺

at loggerheads

Meaning: in a state of strong disagreement or conflict

Example: The two neighbors were at loggerheads over the property boundary. Read more ➺

hot potato

Meaning: refers to a controversial or sensitive topic that people avoid discussing.

Example: The topic of religious beliefs can often be a hot potato, with individuals having sensitive feelings. Read more ➺

sacred cow

Meaning: something that people believe or accept as true without questioning it.

Example: The journalist esteemed too many sacred cows. Read more ➺

at cross purposes

Meaning: With aims or goals that conflict or interfere with one another.

Example: It will be difficult for us to be successful if we continue working at cross-purposes. Read more ➺

tempest in a teapot

Meaning: when a minor issue causes an exaggerated reaction of anger or trouble

Example: At first, I thought we were having a general discussion, but it ended setting off a tempest in the teapot. Read more ➺

storm in a teacup

Meaning: an excessive enthusiasm or rage about a minor matter

Example: I find the whole issue about these gender roles a storm in a teacup. Read more ➺

a hard nut to crack

Meaning: a problem that is difficult to solve

Example: She's such a tough nut to crack. Nobody seems to be able to get through to her. Read more ➺

dog eat dog

Meaning: a very competitive world

Example: The only rule of the marketplace was dog-eat-dog. Read more ➺

can of worms

Meaning: to get into something that is messy, has problems and is unwanted

Example: The can of worms was wide open when he asked her about her past. Read more ➺
