Idioms beginning with B

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burning question

Meaning: an urgent or pressing query that requires immediate attention.

Example: The burning question after the town hall meeting was how the new policy would affect local businesses. Read more ➺

buy a lemon

Meaning: to purchase something, typically a vehicle, that is found to be defective or unsatisfactory after the purchase.

Example: After only a week, the car started having engine problems, and I realized I had bought a lemon. Read more ➺

balancing act

Meaning: an effort to manage multiple conflicting or competing elements or interests simultaneously.

Example: Being a working parent is a daily balancing act between professional responsibilities and family needs. Read more ➺

butter fingers

Meaning: a person who frequently drops things.

Example: Mark, our star receiver, turned into a butterfingers and dropped the ball at the crucial moment. Read more ➺

break even

Meaning: to neither gain nor lose money in a deal or business.

Example: Despite our best efforts, the restaurant only managed to break even last month. Read more ➺

break the bank

Meaning: to engage in a purchase or activity that exceeds one's financial limitations or budgetary constraints.

Example: The new smartphone was so expensive it nearly broke the bank, but she couldn't resist buying it. Read more ➺

burn the midnight oil

Meaning: work late into the night, especially on a project or task.

Example: Jenny had to burn the midnight oil to meet the deadline for her presentation. Read more ➺

brand spanking new

Meaning: completely new or unused.

Example: I just bought a brand spanking new car yesterday. Read more ➺

beyond the veil

Meaning: refers to something hidden or inaccessible, often beyond understanding or perception.

Example: The true intentions of the politician remained beyond the veil of public scrutiny. Read more ➺

bigger fish to fry

Meaning: to have other, more important things to do.

Example: You are not worth my time or energy; I have bigger fish to fry. Read more ➺
