all day long
all day long
- the whole day, throughout the entire day
- doing something for a considerably long duration of time
- representing abundant availability of some item or emotion
- something continuing for a long time seemingly since always
Example Sentences
- The beggar had to beg all day long before getting enough money to feed his hungry children.
- It has been raining cats and dogs all day long.
- After his innocence was proved he remains happy all day long yet careful.
- You can find shells of multiple shapes, colors and sizes on the beach all day long.
- Have no doubt that kicking on the shins is going to be a yellow card all day long.
- The police worked very hard all day long to minimize the rampage of the advancing protestors.
- You can happily yet unproductively spend all day long in the never-ending world of social media.
The exact origin of the phrase cannot be found however most likely this phrase is a literal representation of its constituent words. ‘All day long’ represents a considerably long duration of time for some event to be continually happening. Although the standard of any duration being longer or shorter can vary from person to person and from event to event but generally for everyday routine tasks a complete day can be a fairly long extent and hence the usage of this phrase.
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