Time Idioms
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Meaning: Describes an action taken immediately without premeditation or planning, often based on sudden impulse or instinct.
Example: I decided to join the marathon on the spur of the moment, even though I hadn't trained. Read more ➺
Meaning: An occurrence that is expected to happen very soon.
Example: The bakery is around the corner from my house. Read more ➺
Meaning: waiting until a situation becomes clear or stable after a period of confusion or turmoil.
Example: After the argument, they decided to let the dust settle before talking again. Read more ➺
Meaning: Long Time Ago: A phrase meaning a considerable amount of time in the past, often many years or even decades.
Example: Many moons ago, I used to visit my grandparents every summer. Read more ➺
Meaning: likely or about to happen soon; imminent.
Example: The project's completion was in the offing, with only a few details left to finalize. Read more ➺
Meaning: be ready to step into a job or position when you have the chance.
Example: The new CEO is waiting in the wings, ready to take over as soon as the current one retires. Read more ➺
Meaning: for a long time or indefinitely.
Example: I'll keep drawing pictures on the sidewalk with chalk until the cows come home. Read more ➺
Meaning: a brief nap or short sleep.
Example: The bank manager caught the security guard taking forty winks on duty. Read more ➺
Meaning: pass time aimlessly or without purpose.
Example: Waiting for the bus, she decided to kill time by reading a book. Read more ➺
Meaning: spend time and effort on things that are hopeless and unchangeable.
Example: Tom still has hope that his wife will come back to him, but he is actually beating a dead horse. Read more ➺