Days Idioms

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Memorial Day

Meaning: a holiday in the United States that honors those who lost their lives fighting for the country.

Example: "My family always has a barbecue on Memorial Day to spend time together and remember our loved ones who served in the military." Read more ➺

dog days of summer

Meaning: used to describe hot, sultry days.

Example: Lemonade is a classic drink to keep yourself cool during the dog days of summer. Read more ➺

till doomsday

Meaning: for a very long time.

Example: You can wait from now till doomsday for customer service. Read more ➺

day of reckoning

Meaning: a time when people are punished for their past mistakes.

Example: The reckless behavior of drug-taking college students went unabated until the day of reckoning came—they were all sent home. Read more ➺

win the day

Meaning: to be accepted by other people.

Example: If you fail to win the day during practice, forget about winning the game. Read more ➺

plain as day

Meaning: easy and clear to understand.

Example: If you are unsure about using the equipment, please read the instructions. Its manual is as plain as day. Read more ➺

day in, day out

Meaning: every day, without respite.

Example: They had to endure the city's dirt and noise day in, day out.  Read more ➺

in broad daylight

Meaning: during the daytime

Example: Politicians strongly condemn corruption and nepotism during political rallies, yet they go ahead and misuse public resources in broad daylight. Read more ➺

Black Friday

Meaning: a day of a financial disaster

Example: My friends wait desperately for online sales on Black Friday. Read more ➺

black day

Meaning: it is a day on which something terrible has happened

Example: My grandmother told me that it is a black day tomorrow. Read more ➺
