sitting duck


sitting duck


  • to be an easy target
  • to be in a vulnerable position to be attacked

Example Sentences

  1. The fact that she had no backup plan in case she got caught made her a sitting duck.
  2. If you are going to attempt corporate espionage, you better have a way of getting out, else you will become a sitting duck.
  3. His arguments were so weak and just made him a sitting duck to the judge’s inquisitions.
  4. Mary’s inability to think on her feet makes her a sitting duck most times when she is up for panel review.
  5. I hate to feel like a sitting duck in any situation.
  6. The captain failed to prepare his team for a counter attack and this made them sitting ducks as the enemy bore down on them.


This phrase originated from the early days of hunting ducks. When the birds were in flight, they were much harder to kill. But when they are still, sitting on a lake, then it was easy for the hunters to target and kill them. So the phrase sitting ducks came to be used to refer to the state of being an easy target to be attacked.

Share your opinions1 Opinion

Ducks will fall asleep in water that will freeze around them making them easy prey for anything while they are stuck, hence a sitting duck

‒ Nancy Werley June 5, 2022

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