Problem Idioms
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Meaning: An event or situation that alerts people to a problem or danger, prompting them to take action.
Example: The sudden drop in sales was a wake-up call for the company to revamp its marketing strategy. Read more ➺
Meaning: An action or decision that leads to unforeseen and uncontrollable problems.
Example: Opening that old case file could be like opening Pandora's box, revealing more issues than we anticipate. Read more ➺
Meaning: A situation full of problems or difficulties, often causing disputes or controversy.
Example: The journalist's investigation stirred up a hornet's nest in the political arena. Read more ➺
Meaning: directly involved in or affected by a highly controversial or difficult situation.
Example: As the debate heated up, he realized he was in the eye of the storm. Read more ➺
Meaning: a problem or matter that requires immediate attention and action due to its urgency.
Example: The drought in the region is a pressing issue, requiring immediate government intervention to prevent a crisis. Read more ➺
Meaning: to act bravely and courageously in a challenging situation.
Example: Tom gritted his teeth, overcame his fear of heights, and climbed the ladder. Read more ➺
Meaning: something that spoils a pleasant or enjoyable experience.
Example: The fly in the ointment was that the proposal still needed board approval. Read more ➺
Meaning: experience challenges and difficulties.
Example: Brian tried the offshore education business, but he caught a cold after the first month and has still shown no signs of growth. Read more ➺
Meaning: a sign of a particular issue requiring attention.
Example: United, American, and Delta airlines suspended all flights to China. This was a red flag as the coronavirus wreaked havoc on the airline industry. Read more ➺
the rose that grew from concrete
Meaning: a person who achieved greatness even though they came from a place not so great.
Example: Ken performed well despite his poor background, much like the rose that grew from concrete. Read more ➺