pinch pennies
pinch pennies
- make a conscious effort to spend as little money as possible in everyday life.
- strive to consistently cut costs and save money whenever there’s an opportunity.
- find ways to make do with less, reducing expenses wherever feasible.
- practice extreme savings, carefully managing every dollar.
- avoid spending money on anything that is not absolutely necessary.
- significantly reduce spending, even if it means sacrificing quality or comfort.
Example Sentences
- Anna lost her job, and now she’s pinching pennies to get by.
- Tom and Lisa work hard but still pinch pennies for their vacation.
- Grandpa’s advice? Pinch pennies now and save dollars later.
- Housing costs are too high to live in the city, so young professionals are pinching pennies.
- I miss eating out, but I’m pinching pennies and cooking at home.
- Pinching pennies is tough, but it pays off in the long run.
Origin and History
The phrase “pinching pennies” hails from antiquated English vernacular, making its debut within Thomas Dekker’s theatrical masterpiece, “Shoemaker’s Holiday,” in the year 1600.
“Let wine be plentiful as beere, and beere as water, hang these penny pinching fathers.”
In 1831, “The Last Battle of the Soul in Death” by Zachary Boyd and edited by Gabriel Neil revived the ancient idiom with its gripping narrative.
“As yee should not bee prodigall, be not also misers, pinch-pennies. Defraude not yourselues of your graunted good. Bee thankful to God for all his giftes.”
For a span of several centuries, the phrase lay dormant, its resonance dwindling into obscurity. Then, like a phoenix from the ashes, it experienced a revival in the vast expanse of the United States during the 20th century. Sprouting from this cultural epicenter, it spread far and wide, seeping into everyday speech and becoming a phrase heard everywhere.
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