Limit Idioms
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Meaning: to be excessive
Example: The concept and story was a bit much for me to understand everything clearly. That is why I did not invest with this company. Read more ➺
Meaning: behave in an unfair manner.
Example: I need the money, but working 10 hours daily in the kitchen is a bit too much. Read more ➺
Meaning: behave in a way that is not acceptable
Example: This newspaper has crossed the line. This article is so offensive to so many people. Read more ➺
Meaning: a boundary beyond which one cannot proceed without consequences
Example: His resolve to either get a paid internship or drop out of school was his line in the sand. Read more ➺
Meaning: to define a limit in anything
Example: It all depends on your concept of fiction and where you draw the line between fact and fiction. Read more ➺