Dog Idioms
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Meaning: Accept me as I am, including my faults and things or people I care about.
Example: If you want to be with me, remember, love me, love my dog. Read more ➺
Meaning: refers to extreme physical illness or discomfort.
Example: After eating that questionable seafood, he spent the entire night vomiting and feeling as sick as a dog. Read more ➺
Meaning: an elaborate exhibition or presentation.
Example: The company denied spending on the dog and pony shows. Read more ➺
Meaning: used to describe hot, sultry days.
Example: Lemonade is a classic drink to keep yourself cool during the dog days of summer. Read more ➺
Meaning: The term "top dog" means a person, group, or thing in a position of power, particularly after struggling or winning a grueling competition.
Example: Given the latest shakeups, she is hoping that her experience will make her the top dog in the accounting department. Read more ➺
Meaning: one who protects against loss, corruption, waste, or objectionable practices.
Example: Professor Smith was doing a lot of watchdogging during the mid-term exams at Polk High. Read more ➺
Meaning: having a complaint that needs to be discussed.
Example: Jake walked up to Robert and told him that he had a bone to pick with him. Read more ➺
Meaning: a miserable and unpleasant life
Example: Mark's been leading a dog's life since he was fired from the job. Read more ➺
Meaning: argue jealously and violently all the time
Example: The married couple fought like cat and dog the entire time they were together. Read more ➺
Meaning: to threaten someone, but not take action or follow through with threats
Example: "I haven't finished my maths homework. You know what Mr Peterson is like, he'll shout so loud they will hear him in the next town.""Yes, but barking dogs seldom bite. It's just his way." Read more ➺