Days Idioms

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end of the day

Meaning: to look at all the possibilities and then to make a final decision

Example: At the end of the day, I have decided that law school would be the best path for me. Read more ➺

all day long

Meaning: the whole day, throughout the entire day

Example: The beggar had to beg all day long before getting enough money to feed his hungry children. Read more ➺

slow day

Meaning: a day in which not much happens, so it feels like it is taking very long to pass

Example: The shop did not make a lot of money today, we had a slow day. Read more ➺

rome was not built in one day

Meaning: admirable results always take time

Example: The Oswal's have really worked hard in building their empire. Rome was after all not built in one day. Read more ➺

field day

Meaning: have a great time doing something enjoyable

Example: The children had a field day when they were taken on a trip to the museum. Read more ➺

dog days

Meaning: hot, sultry days.

Example: During the dog days of summer, people prefer to remain indoors and go out as little as possible. Read more ➺

salad days

Meaning: the time of youth, innocence and inexperience

Example: They had met in their salad days and had fallen in love. Naturally, the union did not last long and they separated a few years later. Read more ➺

red letter day

Meaning: a day of significance

Example: The day that I started my journey towards my real career was a red-letter day for me. Read more ➺

don’t give up the day job

Meaning: a usually humorous way of telling someone not to pursue something full time as he or she is not good at it

Example: I watched your performance at the theater today. My advice is don't give up your day job. Read more ➺

yesterday’s man

Meaning: someone especially a politician whose career is finished

Example: The officer is retiring from his job next month, soon he will be a yesterday's man. Read more ➺
