arm in arm


arm in arm meaning

  • to be closely allied
  • to show the intimacy between two people through linking arms in public
  • intertwined arms showing closeness with a person
  • usually used in the context of walking together, this phrase shows public display of affection, in a positive way

Example Sentences

  1. This couple always walks arm in arm. It is very sweet to see a subtle display of affection these days.
  2. Arm in arm, they went through everything together.
  3. I cannot complain of the path being harsh when I walk arm in arm with you.
  4. The couple took their baby home arm in arm. The family is now complete.
  5. She misses her husband when he is away at work. For some time she has no one to walk arm in arm.
  6. He took his new bride home arm in arm.
  7. The baby who has just learned how to walk is always arm in arm with his mother.
  8. On the new year’s eve party Tom was arm in arm with Jerry.
  9. The Congress political party cancelled former minister’s candidature as he was arm in arm with the opposition.


Speculated to be an old English phrase but no literary origin can be traced for this phrase. The concept of being arm in arm is a physical intertwining of arms which could have been taken from real life, as it was seen.

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