Tongue Idioms

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on the tip of my tongue

Meaning: something like a name or word that you know it but cannot remember at a particular moment

Example: It won't take me much time to remember, her name is on the tip of my tongue. Read more ➺

slip of the tongue

Meaning: a mistake in speech (or writing)

Example: The election bill was altered, by what I believe was a slip of the pen. Read more ➺

hold tongue

Meaning: to keep quiet when one would rather speak

Example: When she said that she was very hardworking I had to hold my tongue. Read more ➺

cat got your tongue

Meaning: used to refer a time when someone has nothing to say

Example: Speak up boy or cat got your tongue? Read more ➺

tongue in cheek

Meaning: something said in humour, but with an act of being serious

Example: The latest movie I watched was a tongue in cheek look at the way the media tends to over-hype certain pieces of news. Read more ➺

bite tongue

Meaning: to keep yourself from saying something that you really want to say

Example: I had to bite my tongue when Peter said that he was hard-working. Read more ➺
