lost in thought
lost in thought
Meaning | Definition
- thinking about of something
- concentrating on something in thoughts
- to not be paying attention to the current issues
- to be mentally absent from a particular situation
Example Sentences
- The waiter was so lost in thought that he did not see us coming in or occupying the table at all.
- I have been lost in thought ever since I finished that book. It has inspired me very much.
- You cannot be lost in thought when you are at work. Please gain a better perspective.
- She seems to be lost in thought at all times.
- I was lost in thought and did not hear you speak. Would you repeat what you said?
- Can someone be so lost in thought that they do not see the things that are right in front of their nose?
- I have always noticed that painters and artists are lost in thought most of the time.
- The lawyer was lost in thought but when he came around he had a solution to the problem.
- During written exam, I always see a patch when I am lost in thought and end up sprinting to complete the paper.
The phrase comes from the fact that many a times people look as though they are so busy with a though that they are not concentrating on a particular subject. The way they look at that time is described as being ‘lost in thought’.
- day dreaming
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