Lips Idioms
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Meaning: to agree by word of mouth only
Example: He paid lip service to the cause, but he hasn't lent a hand yet. Read more ➺
Meaning: to be brave in the face of adversity
Example: Throughout the funeral of her parents, Mary kept a stiff upper lip. Read more ➺
Meaning: unwilling to speak about an event
Example: When it came the time for him to share stories of this conquests, he became strangely tight-lipped. Read more ➺
Meaning: to stop speaking
Example: "His continuous talking makes me wish he could button his lip." Read more ➺
Meaning: to ask someone to stop speaking
Example: You have broken the window panes while the mother is not home now. I want none of your lip, and you will help me clean this out before she is back. Read more ➺
Meaning: to stop talking
Example: Why don't you just zip your lip, I am tired of being nagged all morning. Read more ➺