Confusion Idioms

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as clear as mud

Meaning: extremely unclear or confusing.

Example: The instructions for setting up the Wi-Fi were as clear as mud. Read more ➺

at sea

Meaning: confused or unsure about what to do.

Example: After starting the new job, she felt completely at sea with all the new procedures. Read more ➺

fall between two stools

Meaning: to come between two alternatives, and so fail to fulfill either of them.

Example: This book cannot be an academic one, nor can it be a popular commercial one; it falls between two stools. Read more ➺

lose your marbles

Meaning: strange behaviors.

Example: When he made the decision to make his selecting passion a full-time endeavor, everyone said, "James, you've lost your marbles." Read more ➺

at cross purposes

Meaning: With aims or goals that conflict or interfere with one another.

Example: It will be difficult for us to be successful if we continue working at cross-purposes. Read more ➺

all hell will let loose

Meaning: a situation suddenly becomes noisy and violent, usually with a lot of people arguing or fighting

Example: All hell will let loose when the caged animals break out of their cages. Read more ➺

rabbit hole

Meaning: mentally go somewhere surreal or strange

Example: Peter is having another one of his parties on Friday. Time to go down the rabbit hole again. Read more ➺


Meaning: with the top at the bottom

Example: Everything has been topsy-turvy since we moved in. I can't find anything until I unpack properly. Read more ➺

screw up

Meaning: slang depicting that a mistake was made.

Example: I really screwed up this time. My wife will never forgive me for forgetting her birthday. Read more ➺

in a fog

Meaning: in a great confusion

Example: Jane always seems to be in a fog. Read more ➺
