Bull Idioms

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bull’s eye

Meaning: the center of a target.

Example: It can't hurt to go right for the bull's eye - there's nothing wrong with getting things right the first time. Read more ➺

cock and bull story

Meaning: complicated, ridiculous, or unbelievable story

Example: She started to tell some cock and bull story to the police officers about how she found a huge bag containing 5 pounds of gold. Read more ➺

take the bull by the horns

Meaning: decisively deal with a difficult or dangerous situation

Example: Jone decided to take the bull by the horns and organise things for himself. Read more ➺

bull in a china shop

Meaning: extremely awkward, clumsy person

Example: The president has been attacking foreign ministers and even the people in his own party like a bull in a china shop. This has not only led to a lot of criticism but people have started alienating from him. Read more ➺
