Animal Idioms

A top-class list of common animal idioms and phrases, with their definitions and example sentences, helps to understand common animal idiomatic expressions.

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cry wolf

Meaning: to keep asking for help, even when you don't need it. When you really need help, no one believes you.

Example: The little boy had cried wolf so many times that when he was really sick no one believed him. Read more ➺

when pigs fly

Meaning: Impossible or highly unlikely to happen.

Example: She'll agree to go camping when pigs fly; she hates the outdoors. Read more ➺

love me, love my dog

Meaning: Accept me as I am, including my faults and things or people I care about.

Example: If you want to be with me, remember, love me, love my dog. Read more ➺

pecking order

Meaning: a hierarchy of status seen among a group of people or animals.

Example: In the corporate world, understanding the pecking order is crucial for navigating office politics. Read more ➺

long in the tooth

Meaning: aging; elderly.

Example: He's getting a bit long in the tooth to be playing professional football. Read more ➺

cash cow

Meaning: a consistently profitable business or product that requires minimal effort.

Example: Despite its age, the software continued to be a cash cow, generating immense revenue without any major updates. Read more ➺

until the cows come home

Meaning: for a long time or indefinitely.

Example: I'll keep drawing pictures on the sidewalk with chalk until the cows come home. Read more ➺

monkey see monkey do

Meaning: blindly copying others' actions without critical thinking.

Example: The kids copied the teacher's moves, like "monkey see, monkey do," during the dance. Read more ➺

all hat and no cattle

Meaning: Someone who talks big but doesn't follow through with action.

Example: Despite his speeches, the politician was all hat and no cattle. Read more ➺

wolf in sheep’s clothing

Meaning: deceptive appearance, like a dangerous person disguised as harmless.

Example: The new employee was a wolf in sheep's clothing, stealing company secrets. Read more ➺
