Past Idioms
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Meaning: Long Time Ago: A phrase meaning a considerable amount of time in the past, often many years or even decades.
Example: Many moons ago, I used to visit my grandparents every summer. Read more ➺
Meaning: to restore something to its former state or condition.
Example: I would if I could turn the clock back and study another course. Read more ➺
Meaning: a time when people are punished for their past mistakes.
Example: The reckless behavior of drug-taking college students went unabated until the day of reckoning came—they were all sent home. Read more ➺
Meaning: a way to refer to something or someone reminding you of an earlier time.
Example: What a blast from the past! I haven't heard that song in years. Read more ➺
Meaning: past events that are not important anymore
Example: We used to have big disagreements some years back, but that's all water under the bridge now. We get along fine. Read more ➺