jump to conclusions

J - L

jump to conclusions,
also, leap to conclusions


  • to predict a situation without having sufficient information
  • to have a premature estimation or judgement hurriedly
  • to make (a foolish) decision before knowing it thoroughly
  • to guess unjustified assumptions in a hurry
  • to draw inferences too quickly from inadequate clues

Example Sentences

  1. Wait till we get the report; don’t jump to conclusions.
  2. She is dancing with her father – don’t jump to conclusions!
  3. Mark’s wife saw him with her boss at lunch in a restaurant and jumped to conclusions.
  4. The fans jumped to conclusions before the team got the final goal.
  5. Let’s not jump to conclusions as things might not be as good as they appear on the surface.
  6. We observe a statistical trend, and then we leap to conclusions that turn out to be mistaken.
  7. The prime minister urged the public not to leap to conclusions before the authority had completed its investigation.
  8. Companies should not leap to conclusions in cases where it appears that an employee may have been economical with the truth.
  9. Unfortunately, so many people leap to conclusions before all the truths are known.


The term began to appear in the early 1700s in prints.

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