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know on which side bread is buttered

Meaning: know what is to one's advantage

Example: She's far too clever to irritate her employer as she knows which side her bread is buttered on. Read more ➺

pie in the sky

Meaning: used to portray or refer to something that is lovely to consider however is probably not going to happen

Example: Her dream of wanting to move to London to become a famous singer is a pie in the sky if you ask me. Read more ➺

Easter egg

Meaning: a decorated or dyed egg usually given to children at Easter

Example: While scrolling down the menu of Grand Theft Auto V, I happened upon an Easter egg. Read more ➺

out of the frying pan into the fire

Meaning: to go from a bad to worse situation

Example: In a bid to gain independence, she agreed to get married early, not knowing she was jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Read more ➺

fast food

Meaning: food that is tasty but has less or no nutritional value is referred to as fast food

Example: Nina loves French fries and other fast food. Read more ➺

I could eat a horse

Meaning: to be extremely hungry

Example: Could we please go out and get some dinner? I am so hungry that I could eat a horse. Read more ➺

low hanging fruit

Meaning: a goal that can be easily reached

Example: There are a lot of things that need to be completed for our project. I would suggest that we start with the low hanging fruit. Read more ➺

as different as chalk and cheese

Meaning: for two things to be completely different from each other

Example: Despite James and John being identical twins, their characters were as different as chalk and cheese. Read more ➺

full of beans

Meaning: to be optimistic or enthusiastic

Example: Upon hearing the good news, Mary was definitely full of beans. Read more ➺

butter up

Meaning: to flatter someone so as to get something in return from them

Example: Mary's nice compliments about her not so nice boss made it clear that she was just trying to butter him up. Read more ➺
