Feeling Idioms

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as high as a kite

Meaning: Refers to an individual experiencing extreme excitement or happiness, often comparable to being in an elevated or uncontrolled state.

Example: After a few drinks, he was as high as a kite and laughing uncontrollably. Read more ➺

God forbid

Meaning: used to express a strong wish that something undesirable or bad does not happen.

Example: God forbid that we lose the match after working so hard all season. Read more ➺

chicken out

Meaning: to decide not to do something because of fear or lack of courage.

Example: He planned to go bungee jumping but chickened out at the last minute. Read more ➺

bated breath

Meaning: feeling excited and slightly anxious while waiting.

Example: The audience watched with bated breath as the magician performed his final trick. Read more ➺

young at heart

Meaning: feeling and behaving in a lively, energetic, and cheerful way, regardless of age.

Example: Despite being in his seventies, he remains young at heart, always ready for a new adventure. Read more ➺

high spirits

Meaning: a state of being lively, enthusiastic, and full of positive energy.

Example: After receiving the good news, she was in high spirits for the rest of the day. Read more ➺

Memorial Day

Meaning: a holiday in the United States that honors those who lost their lives fighting for the country.

Example: "My family always has a barbecue on Memorial Day to spend time together and remember our loved ones who served in the military." Read more ➺

green-eyed monster

Meaning: referring to the feeling of jealousy or envy.

Example: After seeing her friend's new car, Maria felt the green-eyed monster creeping up inside her. Read more ➺

feel like a million bucks

Meaning: describes a state of peak physical well-being and high energy.

Example: After my morning run and a healthy breakfast, I feel like a million bucks. Read more ➺

blow off steam

Meaning: get rid of any intense feelings or strong emotions.

Example: After a long week at work, I like to blow off steam by going for a run in the park. Read more ➺
