cast away
cast away (phrasal verb)
/kæst əˈweɪ/
- To throw away or discard something. This definition implies the intentional disposal of an item that is no longer wanted or needed.
- To shipwreck or strand someone or something. This refers to the act of causing a ship to be wrecked or leaving someone isolated in an uninhabited place.
- To abandon or leave behind. This meaning involves forsaking someone or something, often without the intention of returning.
- Castaway (noun): Refers to a person who has been shipwrecked and stranded in an uninhabited place.
Example Sentences
- After upgrading to a new phone, she cast away her old one.
- The sailors were cast away on a deserted island after the storm wrecked their ship.
- Feeling betrayed, he decided to cast away his former friend.
- The company cast away outdated policies to modernize its operations.
- In the novel, the protagonist is cast away from society due to his unconventional beliefs.
- After the ship sank in the storm, the lone castaway survived on a deserted island for months before being rescued.
Origin and History
The term “cast away” originates from the combination of the verb “cast,” meaning to throw or send forth, and the adverb “away,” indicating separation or distance. This phrasal verb has been used in the English language to convey the act of discarding or throwing something aside. Over time, it also came to describe the state of being shipwrecked or stranded.
Earliest Recorded Usage
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest recorded usage of “castaway” as a noun dates back to 1526 in the New Testament.
This indicates that the term was in use during the early 16th century, primarily to describe someone who had been rejected or discarded.
Evolution of Meaning
Initially, “cast away” was used to describe the act of throwing something aside or rejecting it. Over time, the term evolved to encompass the specific context of being shipwrecked or stranded. This shift likely occurred as maritime exploration and travel became more prevalent, leading to increased instances of shipwrecks and individuals being stranded, thus necessitating a term to describe such situations.
Compound Formation
The noun “castaway” is formed within English by compounding “cast” and “away.” This formation reflects the term’s literal meaning of someone who has been thrown away or discarded, which aligns with its usage to describe shipwreck survivors or outcasts.
Modern Usage and Cultural Impact
In contemporary usage, “cast away” and its compound form “castaway” have been popularized through various media, most notably the 2000 film “Cast Away” starring Tom Hanks. The film’s title intentionally separates “cast” and “away,” emphasizing the protagonist’s experience of being thrown into isolation.
This modern interpretation underscores the term’s enduring relevance in describing situations of abandonment and isolation.
- throw away
- dispose of
- get rid of
- abandon
- discard
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