



  • happening in continuation throughout the whole year
  • taking place as much as possible through the year

Example Sentences

  1. The park provides free food for orphans year-round as a service to the God and humanity.
  2. Huggies gave them a year-round supply of diapers so that it could be distributed amongst the poor in that area.
  3. The FBI headquarters operate year-round to keep crime rates to a minimum.
  4. 50 seats are reserved for exchange students year-round.
  5. There was a year-round supply of goods, food, utensils and clothes by the king in the memory of his beloved wife Maria.
  6. We have hospital beds reserved for pneumonia patients, cancer patients, pregnant females and twenty percent reservation in case of an epidemic year-round.
  7. She prayed to the gods for rain all year-round as she believed that her prayers would be answered and there would be harvest in the fields again.
  8. Himachal Pradesh has a cold and pleasant climate and skiing on the snow-covered mountains  year-round which are an attraction for all the tourists.
  9. The year-round bill for the usage of AC’s during summer season and heaters during the winter season in India is astronomical and it leaves a very negative impact on the environment and influences global warming.


The idiom was first used in 1924.

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