wear heart on sleeve
wear your heart on your sleeve
Meaning | Synonyms
- display your emotions openly
- make your feelings apparent and obvious
- openly reveal your feelings and emotions
- unable to hide your emotions and feelings
- be emotionally transparent
- be open or forthright about your emotions.
Example Sentences
- It was evident that he was in love with her. He wore his heart on his sleeve and you could see how he felt about her.
- She is a very sensitive person and wears her heart on her sleeve, so it very easy to hurt her feelings.
- Sam always wears his heart on his sleeve, so everyone knew how he was feeling.
- He wore his heart on his sleeve and it was obvious that he was shattered by his recent breakup with his girlfriend.
- If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you will be very vulnerable and people are going to take advantage of you.
- She used to be a very passionate woman who wore her heart on her sleeve, but repeated rejections and mistreatment at the hands of the ones she trusted made her go into a shell and bottle her emotions up.
This phrase was first recorded in Shakespeare’s play “Othello” in 1604, where the treacherous Iago says this to feign openness and vulnerability.
Share your opinions3 Opinions
Did not understand The meaning and please keep small sentences from now they couldn’t fit in my book😐
‒ Aaditri May 21, 2020
Alex, not necessarily a negative connotation, but some cultural values can clash with expressing emotion openly. I’ve never heard the phrase used negatively, personally.
‒ Vision Iscariot December 6, 2019
Is it implied to be negative?
‒ Alex November 30, 2019