never in wildest dreams
never in wildest dreams
also, beyond one’s widest dreams
- a situation beyond the scope of one’s imagination
- something better than the expectations
- something that has happened was so strange that one never thought it would happen
- extremely strange or unbelievable
Example Sentences
- Never in my wildest dreams did I think she’d abandon her father.
- Never in my wildest dreams did I think she’d actually carry out her threat.
- Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined Scotland winning 9/1.
- You could never in your wildest dreams have imagined the winter weather in Canada.
- Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that you would win the first prize in the competition.
- My appointment as head coach is beyond my “wildest dreams.”
- Matching Michael Schumacher record was beyond my wildest dreams – Lewis Hamilton
The expression is believed to be present in English since the early 18th century.
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