blind date


blind date


  • to go on a date with someone you have never met before.
  • a kind of date between people with no previous encounters, often arranged by a mutual friend.
  • to meet in a public place with someone that you have not been aquatinted with.
  • a social meeting with someone you’re not familiar with.
  • an arranged meeting for two people who have never met each other before, in order to try to start a romantic relationship.

Example Sentences

  1. I’m going on a blind date with a guy that Jack knows from college.
  2. Can you believe that Lily and I were set up on a blind date by her mom?
  3. I could set you on a blind date with a girl from work; you’d absolutely love her.
  4. I went on a blind date with my cousin’s roommate, Rebecca.
  5. A blind date might be just what you need to get back into the dating circle.
  6. It’s not an entirely terrible idea. You know, I met your mom on a blind date, and we’ve been together ever since.
  7. She agreed to go on a blind date with her friend’s former boyfriend.


The earliest use of the word can be dated back to an article written in the Daily Times in 1922 by Andy Pheldown.

The word was neither explained nor put in quotes, as though the writer assumed the readers were probably familiar with the meaning of the idiom.

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