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pour oil on troubled waters

Meaning: try to calm, soothe or placate a problematic situation

Example: She's such a calm person; last week, the whole office was in uproar until she stepped in and poured oil on troubled waters. Read more ➺

fight tooth and nail

Meaning: to fight very fiercely

Example: I want this job so I'm going to fight tooth and nail for it. Read more ➺

knock out

Meaning: big success

Example: Does your brother really think that he can knock out the biggest guy in school? I would like to see him try. Read more ➺

under fire

Meaning: being shot at

Example: The politician came under fire after it was discovered that he had spend campaign money on lavish parties. Read more ➺

back against the wall

Meaning: to be in a tough situation with limited options

Example: The company has its back against the wall and if the employees do not help out now, it will be bankrupt soon. Read more ➺

at daggers drawn

Meaning: almost ready to fight

Example: The two schools have been at daggers drawn for months. Ever since they played in the championship game. Read more ➺
