a chain is only as strong as its weakest link


a chain is only as strong as its weakest link


  • this proverb means what it states, literally
  • it refers to personal or technical failure in a team due to one component rather than an actual chain

Example Sentences

  1. No matter how confident the cheer-leading group is in carrying out the human pyramid gig, the team is only as strong as its weakest link.
  2. The people who live in that house together are united but they are only as strong as their weakest link that is the youngest son. He will not be able to uphold the strong values that the others so smoothly take care of.


Anne Robinson hosted a show called ‘The Weakest Link’ in the United Kingdom which had an Indian version hosted by Neena Gupta. This is the most popular reference to this proverb. The lack of knowledge and banking at the correct time causes people to lose money on this show and hence the person responsible is termed as the weakest link. The show humiliates the weakest link and cuts them off. The proverb was first published by Thomas Reid in 1786 in his work called ‘The Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man’.

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