Idioms beginning with L

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lightning fast

Meaning: extremely quick

Example: At recess, the boys and girls runĀ lightning fast. Read more ➺

put cards on the table

Meaning: be open and honest

Example: When John met up with Jane on their first date, John laid his cards on the table for Jane to know what he wanted. Read more ➺

leaps and bounds

Meaning: progress very quickly

Example: Regan's reading skills are coming on in leaps and bounds with the new teacher. Read more ➺

lone it

Meaning: to do an activity alone

Example: They asked him to go to the movies, but he decided to lone it. Read more ➺

look on the bright side

Meaning: always try to see the good things even in bad situations

Example: Don't worry about your exam score; look on the bright side. It is a significant improvement from the previous exam. Read more ➺

jump to conclusions

Meaning: to predict a situation without having sufficient information

Example: Wait till we get the report; don't jump to conclusions. Read more ➺

leg up

Meaning: give or receive assistance to achieve a goal

Example: Completing the summer study program gives pupils a leg up in the following academic year. Read more ➺

lower the bar

Meaning: to lower standards or expectations

Example: The revision bill aims to lower the bar on picking candidates. Read more ➺

two peas in a pod

Meaning: practically identical in appearance

Example: Those boys could be twins, they are like two peas in a pod. Read more ➺

light years away

Meaning: when something seems unlikely to happen

Example: The technological advancement like flying cars is light years away. Read more ➺
